The deadlines to implement the 2023 ICD-10 and CPT changes are fast approaching.
The implementation date for 2023 ICD-10 is October 1, 2022. The 2023 edition includes:
- Addition of 1,179 ICD-10 diagnosis codes
- Addition of 340 ICD-10 procedure codes
- Reclassifying nearly 300 ICD-10 diagnosis codes as invalid
- Addition of more than 150 ICD-10 diagnosis codes to the CC and MCC lists
- Removal of 17 ICD-10 diagnosis codes from the CC and MCC lists
The ICD-10 diagnosis changes largely impact the following areas:
- Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Diseases of the Genitourinary System
- Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium
- External Causes of Morbidity
The ICD-10 procedure code additions are largely related to the addition of destruction codes using laser interstitial thermal therapy.
The implementation date for 2023 CPT is January 1, 2023. The 2023 edition includes:
- Addition of 238 CPT codes
- Deletion of 75 CPT codes
- Revision of 85 CPT codes
The CPT changes largely impact the following areas:
- Facility-based evaluation and management services
- Hernia repairs
- Pain management nerve injections
- Neurosurgery
- Category III services
We recommend reviewing the changes in their entirety and preparing now for the necessary updates. It is important that these changes are communicated with your coding and clinical staff and education is provided to ensure appropriate and compliant use of the new and revised codes as well as to prevent costly coding denials. We also recommend you confirm your IT staff is aware of the upcoming deadline and an implementation plan is in place.
HBE’s team of experts is available to assist you with effective implementation of these important changes. In addition, we are available to assist with conducting risk assessments, routine auditing and monitoring, policy and procedure development as well as customized education and training for your clinical and administrative staff.
DISCLAIMER: This newsletter contains only summary information and highlights; it should be read in conjunction with the full article or document provided as a link. Any advice or recommendations are general and specific questions should be directed to professional counsel.