OIG Releases Compliance Effectiveness Resource Document

Today, the OIG issued a new document for evaluating compliance program effectiveness.  The document titled, “Measuring Compliance Program Effectiveness: A Resource Guide” covers each of the 7 compliance program elements.  Within each section, the document provides comprehensive guidance on each component which should be evaluated and identifies various ways to assess compliance within the measure.

The resource guide is the product of an industry roundtable discussion on “what should be evaluated” and “how it should be evaluated” with respect to measuring compliance program effectiveness.

We recommend reviewing the OIG resource guide against your current processes to identify areas of potential improvement and to gain an understanding of the OIG’s and industry expectations and standards.

The full document is located at: https://oig.hhs.gov/compliance/101/index.asp#measuring

We have a team of compliance experts that includes individuals Certified in Healthcare Compliance as well as certified coders who are available to assist you with conducting compliance program effectiveness reviews as well as providing essential compliance related services including auditing and monitoring, investigations, development of policies and procedures and development of customized education and training.

DISCLAIMER:  This newsletter contains only summary information and highlights; it should be read in conjunction with the full article or document provided as a link.  Any advice or recommendations given are general and specific questions should be directed to professional counsel.

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